
outrabanda comunicacion noticias news novas



6 de abril 2021



En Outrabanda escribimos. Mucho. Por nuestro trabajo como copies de publicidad, al redactar contenidos online, en las tareas de traducción, cuando creamos estrategias y campañas, preparando clases…

Y nos encanta.

Es cierto, el folio en blanco a veces (más bien a menudo) da miedo. Pero sabemos que después del bloqueo, dándole un poco de tiempo, un paseo, una noche o una conversación, las palabras pueden salir a borbotones.

Y que esas palabras son siempre historias – breves, extensas, por capítulos, seccionadas, elaboradas, simples, amables, bruscas, poderosas... sí, poderosas e importantes: para quien las pide, para quien las lee, para quien las escucha. Por eso ponemos cariño en cada una de nuestras palabras y en todas nuestras historias. Y escuchamos y leemos con atención todas las que llegan a nuestros ojos y oídos.

Lo merecen. #StoriesMatter


31 de diciembre 2020

2021 outrabanda comunicación


No podíamos cerrar este extraño 20 sin enviaros los mejores deseos para un 21 menos extraño. ¡Que seáis felices! ????


26 de noviembre 2020

imaxe curso agpti  2020



Un verdadero orgullo tener la oportunidad de impartir un curso sobre comunicación a nuestras compañeras traductoras e intérpretes de AGPTI.

Tendrá lugar en diciembre, y podéis encontrar más información aquí.


16 de septiembre 2020


Formación Autónomos Outrabanda Comunicación Carmen Máiz Bar


¡Outrabanda vuelve al modo "nuevo curso"! Seremos ponentes en las sesiones formativas de este otoño en AJE.

Podéis escribir a Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. (¡o a nosotros!) para que os cuenten un poco más, o apuntaros directamente en



18 de mayo 2020

synergy outrabanda comunicación

Un honor haber colaborado estos dias con Synergy Didactic en Lingua Gym TV, como ponentes su sesión sobre comunicación.


20 de enero 2020

7 taller iniciacion comunicacion outrabanda 


¡Volvemos! Outrabanda Comunicación presenta la 7ª edición de su Taller “Iniciación a la Comunicación”.




31 de diciembre 2019




Aunque que este año ha sido en Outrabanda un poco “en casa del herrero...” (casi desaparecidos de nuestras redes por trabajar en las de nuestros clientes), no queríamos cerrarlo sin enviaros los mejores deseos.

¡En 2020 más y mejor! ¡Que seáis felices! ☺️




May 27th 2019    logo terra atlantica


It’s been a while since we last told you about our projects, and it was about time!


Terra Atlántica is the new Place Brand for Costa da Morte, Galicia, and is currently starting its journey.


This is a project originated by O Cable Inglés, in which we are lucky enough to participate in charge of communication strategy and management.




March 29th 2019


Outrabanda Comunicación nota prensa press release


These past couple of months we have busy!


We are teaching again, in the Advertising and Public Relations Degree of the University of Vigo, and we are managing social media for several organizations.




January 28th 2019


6 taller iniciacion comunicacion outrabanda


Outrabanda Comunicación presents the 6th edition of its "Introduction to Communication" Workshop.


Tailored for freelancers, entrepreneurs and SME's, it will be held February 26th, 27th and 28th at AJE Vigo.


For futher information you can click HERE, and to register you can click HERE, but do not hesitate to call (686473528) or write ( Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. ) if you have any questions.


December 21st 2018


referentes galegas outrabanda comunicacion carmen maiz


This month, Executivas de Galicia presented Referentes Galegas, a project created to increase the visibility of Galician women who are leaders in their professional sectors. Very proud to announce that our Director, Carmen Maiz-Bar, has been selected to be part of it.




November 27th 2018


teles facultad outrabanda comuicacion


We are teaching again! This semester we are delivering the course Communication Management, part of the Advertising and Public Relations Degree of the University of Vigo.


October 28th 2018  


jane birkin


We continue our work in event communications. This month has been filled with concerts, last one featuring Jane Birkin. Yes, in person ;)


September 25th 2018


carmen maiz bar faro de vigo galicia marca territorio


Our director, Carmen Maiz-Bar, completed her PhD last Summer, and her research received media coverage.


June 22nd 2018


ribeira sacra outrabanda comunicacion


Busy Summer coming up!


We are working with i-radia crea, communicating the 17º Ribeira Sacra Festival.


(Do you have any plans for the end of July - beginning of August? ;) )


May 3rd 2018


cienciassociais outrabanda comunicacion


We went back to teaching at the University of Vigo. Our director, Carmen Máiz Bar, is in charge of delivering part of the course Theory and Practice of Public Relations, as visiting lecturer until the end of the school year.


April 4th 2018


gira mujeres outrabanda comunicacion


Last month, we participated in Gira Mujeres, a very interesting training program, with speakers and participants who made waking up early on a weekend really worth it!


March 2nd 2018


thankyou grazas gracias outrabanda comunicacion2




March arrives bringing good vibes: the completion of the 5th Edition of our Introduction to Communication Workshop, which, this time, we delivered at Impact Hub Vigo, and presence in press and other media - some examples here, here, here and here. Thank you very much! :)


February 1st 2018


portada facebook taller outrabanda 2018 


So let's get started! We are back with the 5th edition of our Introduction to Communication Workshop. Specifically designed for freelancers, entrepreneurs and SME's, it will be held February 27th and 28th and March 1st at Impact Hub Vigo. We are already updating all its contents to offer you the best training, also in 2018. For futher information, you can click here or here, but do not hesitate to call (686473528) or write ( Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. Esta dirección de correo electrónico está protegida contra spambots. Usted necesita tener Javascript activado para poder verla. ) and we'll tell you all about it ;)


January 18th 2018


    Please, stay tuned... we'll be back soon!




March 15th 2016


      Outrabanda hits the pause button. One of our projects will take up 100% of our time, and therefore we will not be able to carry out other actities. Thank you very much, sincerely, for everything. We'll be watching you :) 


outrabanda comunicacion pause


February 29th 2016


      This month we have been more exposed to media, among others Faro de Vigo and Radio Galega.


January 28th 2016


     Registration period for the Fourth Edition of our Workshop "Introduction to Communication" is open. Designed for freelancers, entrepreneurs and SME's, it will be held February 23rd, 24th and 25th at the Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios in Vigo. Find more information here, here or here.




December 30th 2015




November 22nd 2015


       Research stay opportunity at the University of Southern California, and a break to be mentors again at the 3 Day Start Up, both of them very positive experiences.


October 24th 2015


      October has traditionally turned into our GRADschool month. One more year, we have worked with the Fundación Barié and Vitae for its edition in our country, in which the Universities and the SERGAS have also participated.


      In addition, we will be traveling to the USA to present a paper at the On the Image conference.


 September 26th 2015


      September brings the programmed end of the joint project with the company Spica SL and the beginning of our cooperation period with the Conxemar association, for their yearly congress.




August 25th 2015


      This month, Outrabanda has crossed the border again, to present a paper at the 55th ERSA Conference in the Lisbon School of Economics and Management.


July 4th 2015


     Our director, Carmen Máiz Bar, participates, presenting a paper, in the international Public Relations conference Barcelona PR Meeting


June 7th 2015


     Outrabanda is one year older since May 27th. One of the most intense years, both in the company's life and in our life. We can't but thank you, thank you so much, for being part of it, for being part of us.


May 8th 2015


    We are participating in project Emprendedoras and their website is already available. The configuration and the texts of our area are still temporary, but here they are


April 16th 2015


    Starting these weeks, we are focused on our consulting tasks; as an example, this is a service list we have prepared for one of our clients.




March 16th 2015


    This month we will be teaching Intercultural Communication again in the Master in Language and Communication for Business program of the University of Vigo.


February 15th 2015


     Registration period for the Third Edition of our Workshop "Introduction to Communicacion" is open. Specifically designed for freelancers, entrepreneurs and SME's, it will be held February 23rd, 24th and 26th at the Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios in Vigo. Find more information here, here or here.   




January 30th 2015


     We become members of A2 Laboratorio de ideas' network of collaborators, contributing with work from two of our areas of expertise: communication strategy and copy-writing.


December 31st 2014


outrabanda comunicacion navidad nadal christmas




October 31st 2014


       Participating in the 5th International Edition of Gradschool, professional competencies training program for researchers, with members of Vigo University, Coruña University, Santiago University, Galician Health Service, and Barrié and Alicia Koplowitz Foundations. 


September 23rd 2014


      Fall is here, and little by little we return with it.


outrabanda comunicacion otoo outono fall


July 17th 2014


well be right back outrabanda


June 1st 2014


     Our first anniversary. It's been a year since we initiated our adventure, our project. We would have never imagined that we could come so far, and we can only thank you for all your contributions... and let you know that we hope that we will celebrate many more years with you.


May 2nd 2014


     We will be teaching at the European Business School.


April 1st 2014


     April starts with us as mentors at the 3 Day StartUp entrepreneurship program, and continues presenting a paper at the Lusocom 2014 communication congress.


March 5th 2014


     This month we will be participating, teaching a course, in the Master in Language and Communication for Business program at the Vigo University.




February 3rd 2014


     Registration period for the Second Edition of our Workshop "Introduction to Communication" is open. Specifically designed for freelancers, entrepreneurs and SME's, this time it will be held February 22nd at the Asociación de Jóvenes Empresarios in Vigo.


January 2nd 2014


  May the New Year bring you... Inspiration, Fun, Luck and Optimism!


composition navidad nadal christmas outrabanda comunicacion


December 9th 2013


            This month we are focused on our consulting activities, working on auditing, strategy, communication plans... for our clients.


November 4th 2013


           We become columnists for Encirculo, the new on-line magazine by the Círculo de Empresarios de Galicia.           


October 11th 2013


            Participating in the 2013 International Editions of GRADschool and Leadership in Action, professional competencies training programs for researchers.



September 3rd 2013


          Registration period for our workshop “Introduction to Communication” is open. Addressed to freelancers, entrepreneurs and SME's, it will be held September 17th, 18th and 19th at the Cámara de Comercio de Vigo.




August 1st 2013


         Our article “Claves para presentarte al mundo”, a set of guidelines on how to prepare for a presentation, is published in the online magazine Marketing Semanal.




July 7th 2013


          Our director, Carmen Máiz Bar, participates in the panel “Galicia and its Brand”, publishes her article “Applying Nation Branding to Galicia” in the magazine 43ºN8ºW and is interviewed on the radio program La Voz de la Empresa.